Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Black Bear

My wife and I spent a week in southern Utah and made the most of it by eating burgers almost every night. Bless my beautiful wife, she is sick to death of burgers now. I don't really blame her, I understand that not everyone is as passionate about burgers as I am. It has gotten to the point that when we go out to eat she  makes sure that she orders the most non-burgery thing on the menu. Her loss as far as I'm concerned, but luckily for me I'm not so easily bored. Every burger I try is different and I see it as a new opportunity and usually I enjoy every one I try. Obviously there are some that are better than others. Why else would we be here talking about this? Anyway, after eating what seemed like dozens of burgers we went home to Salt Lake and I promised my wife, I took her lovely face in my strong manly yet gentle hands and I looked deep into her eyes and said "My love, I promise to take a break from burgers for a while."

Mr. Universe (aka the man upstairs) had other plans. At least I see it as divine intervention. Minutes after assuring my wife that I would abstain from burger my parents were calling, inviting us to dinner at a new place they had found that made great comfort food. Black Bear Cafe. We couldn't say no.
Silently I promised myself that out of respect for my wife I would keep my promise and order something other than a burger. But again, Mr. Universe intervened, He had other plans. I had chosen pancakes, but then I decided that I could at least take the tiniest of peeks at the burger section of the menu. Lo and behold it came to pass that thus the menu containeth a bacon and cheese stuffed (STUFFED) burger. It was then I looked at my wife and said, "Forgive me, I am weak."
2013-07-02 19.41.16.jpgSadly, after all of that the burger was just ok. A little bit of false advertising if you ask me. It wasn't so much stuffed as it was just two patties laid on top of each other with bacon and cheese in between them on a bun that looked like Walmart special quality. I expected more, much more.

The dinner wasn't a complete bust however. My wife couldn't finish her pancakes so I took them off her hands. They were delicious! Their pancakes taste like . . . cake. I definitely should have stuck with my original choice. Thick fluffy cakes cooked on a pan to perfection. Seriously folks, go to Black Bear Cafe, skip the burger and get their pancakes and you will avoid being disappointed like I was.
It must not have been divine intervention that prompted me to order a burger. But if that's true, then who has been prompting me to go eat burgers? . . . Could this very blog be a creation of that fallen star Lucifer himself, with me as his messenger?
Regardless I am too far gone, there is no saving me at this point. If burgers are wrong I don't want to be right.

1 comment:

  1. They actually have one of these in St George. One of our friends discovered it just after we moved here and we went there every week for a month and a half! Those pancakes seriously are insane! I didn't mind the stuffed burger, but was also disappointed at the false advertising.
